Explore what Jesus is doing in this city.
Redeemer is made up of people who love Jesus, love London and love Ealing.
Ealing is such a great place to call our home. We love this fun and thriving part of London and want to play our part in serving the people who live and work here.
Join us on the journey as we explore how this plays out in daily life, practically and spiritually.
Click for social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Join with other men at Redeemer for a delicious breakfast, a great time of fellowship, prayer and encouragement from the Word. The theme of this month’s breakfast is Godly Men Love the Church.
We’ll be meeting at The Hub, and parking can be tricky in the roads nearby the venue, so you may want to arrange to lift share or take public transport.
25 January
22 February
22 March
26 April
24 May
28 June
No meetings in July or August
27 September
25 October
No meetings in November or December
All events • 8 am • The Hub, London, W5 2NX
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17
Good Friday • 18 April
Join us for an hour of worship and reflection as we remember all that Jesus did for us on Good Friday.
10:30am • University of West London
Easter Sunday • 10 April
Join us as we celebrate our resurrected King Jesus on Easter Sunday!
9:30 & 11:30am • University of West London
6:30pm • The Hub
NEWDAY 2025!
We’re really excited to be able to be attending Newday again as a youth group!
If you’re a parent at Redeemer you should have already received information on the event, but you can find out more on the Newday website HERE
To secure a place for your child at Newday, you simply need to sign up and follow the payment instructions on your confirmation emails. You can do so by clicking THIS LINK.
For more information about attending Newday with Redeemer Church please email youth@redeemerlondon.org or chat to Noble Laryea on a Sunday morning.
Our Gospel Communities will launch on Sunday 5 January, and on that Sunday you’ll be able to sign up over at redeemerlondon.org/gospel-communities!
Sign up and make new friends, grow in faith, and get the opportunity to share life together!
Groups will run weekly through the whole of 2025! Visit the link above for more information.
We’re running Alpha again this term!
We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore faith, ask questions, and share their point of view.
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.
We will meet at The Hub every week.
Come and join us, no pressure, no charge!
Email alpha@redeemerlondon.org for more information,
Come and join us at The Hub, play games, spend time with friends, enjoy toasties and snacks,
and hear a little about the Christian life in the “God slot”!
All are welcome, so make sure you invite your friends!
Every Friday (Apart from Half-Term!)
7pm - 9pm
The Hub | 48 Haven Green | W5 2NX
We meet at the University of West London at 9:30 and 11:30 on Sunday mornings.
UWL, St Marys Road, London W5 5RF
We meet at The Hub at 6:30 on Sunday evenings.
The Hub, 48 Haven Green, London, W5 2NX