Easter - A Change in Perspective

I shall never forget spending Easter with my sister, at my gran’s. 

Even though I was only ten years old and my sister was nine (which was many years ago), we still remember it clearly!  Why? 

  • Was it because she spoiled us with her home cooking?  

  • Was it because we were allowed to do fun things we weren’t allowed to do at home?

No!  In fact my sister and I were not allowed to do ANYTHING!!  Except pray, of course… After all, this was Holy Week…

On Good Friday we spent the whole day indoors, being reminded not to raise our voices and keep a solemn quiet! At 2.30pm our gran turned on the radio and we all sat together round her little table and listened intently to it. The speaker described the passion and crucifixion of Jesus in such detail and so vividly, that Marie and I could not stop bawling our eyes out! Our gran was so pleased that she said we could have something light to eat after 6pm!

Since the last time any food had passed our young lips was 10am, we were thrilled…

Well, on reflection maybe that isn’t the best way to explain Easter to young children, but our grandmother, a strict, staunch, traditional Catholic, obviously didn’t know any better. I like to think that God knew her heart though…

Since then, I’m glad to say, my perception of Easter has changed, as has its focus. 

Yes, I do still remember the pain endured on that terrible cross by Jesus, but I also know the real reason for it being known as ‘GOOD Friday’.  Because on that cross Jesus paid the penalty for my sin, dying in my place so that I, a sinner, can now stand before God the Father and be declared innocent!  (Romans 6:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.)

So that was indeed a GOOD Friday!

And it doesn’t stop there… after Friday came Saturday and then Sunday – EASTER SUNDAY - the greatest day of all for fallen humanity!

For not only did Jesus Christ die for me and you, but He was raised to life again on that Sunday!  And because He lives, I too am assured of everlasting life with Him when I die! 

Wow! It can’t get better than that! 

Death has been defeated and our King is now reigning victorious!  As the apostle Paul says ‘Death, where is your victory; where is your sting?’ (1 Cor 15:55)  

It’s gone!

So now when I think of Easter I can’t sit quietly as my gran would have wanted.  I rejoice.  I celebrate together with millions of other people throughout the world who understand that the unimaginable happened on that Easter Day over 2,000 years ago -  The sinner gets set free, the gates of heaven are opened wide.  The Father welcomes us with open arms!  I shall be there one day – 

How about you?  What’s your perception of Easter?

A time of solemnity? Or a time to rejoice?  

If you’d like a new perspective – please join us at Redeemer London this Easter.  You’ll find people for whom death holds no fear - because Jesus’ death changed everything for us.  

Adele Dabrowski