Answered Prayer - Deeper Relationship

In the second of our blogs focusing on Answered Prayer, Nathanael Jegunma shares with us how the community and the prayers of his Transforming Prayer meetup have led to fresh encounters and more intimate relationship with his Heavenly Father!

I am new to Redeemer and joined a small group within the first 2 weeks. God has truly revealed how powerful he is when you have faith in him and act in according to his word.

The Transforming Prayer series has reinvigorated my connection with God and I have felt my relationship and understanding of him grow. I have begun to regularly share the word of God with my colleagues at work, improved my family relationships and learned to communicate more effectively with God.

There is power in us gathering and praying together and we have seen God answer prayers in our group. I would encourage anyone who attends Redeemer to enjoy the fellowship and family that small groups provide and get involved.

— Nathanael Jegunma

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Acts 2:42