Answered Prayer - Close through the Changes

As part of our Transforming Prayer series we are starting a new blog focusing on answered prayer. If you’ve got a testimony of how God has answered a prayer for you recently, be it big or small, get in touch at

The first story of answered prayer reminds us of a truth we’ve touched on in our meet-ups recently, that God is a Close Father.

Close through the Changes

I'm experiencing a lot of change after a year of challenges:  a family bereavement, a house sale and a divorce.

I've asked my meetup to pray for wisdom and a peaceful resolution, I also asked for prayer around my first meeting with a bereavement counsellor last week, arranged through an Employee Assistance Programme.  It's free but you get little choice as to who is allocated to you.  And in an answer to that prayer, the EAP matched me with the most perfect counsellor. 

Not just that but God has blessed me with more interactions with Christians at work that ever before - driving home the truth that I'm not alone and that he is standing with me.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18