Lockdown Diaries - Mandy

Today we launch a new blog series - Lockdown Diaries, where we hear from members of our Redeemer family about how they have seen God at work in their lives, even in the middle of the current lockdown.

Today’s lockdown diary is written by Mandy Hudson.

“We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”

 2 Chronicles 20v12

We are living through probably the most unsettling few weeks of our lives.

I’ve been a Christian for over forty-three years now and have been blessed by having a close relationship with Jesus. My personal circumstances haven’t always been easy, but God has proved His faithfulness time and time again.

Just before lockdown, my care needs had been re-assessed by adult social care. The process, which had been nothing short of traumatic three years ago was miraculously completed in eight weeks enabling me to benefit from agency care when the social isolation rules were enforced.

This is just one example of God’s marvellous provision for me in these difficult times we are all facing. 

The most unsettling part of this crisis for me was when we were moving towards lockdown. I found myself having to shift gear from a life hurtling at great speed to a complete standstill in a matter of days.

I wasn’t at all well when the lockdown began. It’s at these times of greatest weakness, I find that God makes His power and strength perfect. He proves His grace is sufficient. (2 Corinthians 12 v9). What a comfort to be safe resting in Jesus at these times.

Don’t get me wrong - these are tough times. 

I thought I’d be able to roll along in my own little happy spiritual bubble – until the morning I woke up to find someone had dumped a bed immediately outside my flat. I was so angry and upset by it. I had to realise one can never escape one’s own bad temper!

Thank you, Jesus, that you love us unconditionally and are constantly refining our character. These weeks are the perfect opportunity to learn more about how we live life to the full as we keep our eyes fixed on Him


Mandy Hudson