On Wednesday 17 February, Christians around the world will begin to observe 40 days of sacrifice to mark the season of Lent, ending on Easter Saturday 3 April.

As a church, we want to mark the season of Lent, not as a time where we make token sacrifices in the run-up to Easter but as a season where we remember and celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and commit to spending time in prayer and fasting, seeking His face and His presence in our lives on a deeper level than we've experienced before.

We're encouraging folk to sign up for as many days of prayer and fasting as they would like to commit to by clicking here to request the sign-up link.

If you’re unable to fast meals due to health issues or pregnancy, why not fast something else (like TV, social media or an electronic device) that will help you to make more time to pray and encounter God during the season of Lent.