Redeemer reads 1 Timothy 4 — Redeemer Church London

Redeemer reads 1 Timothy 4

Welcome! Here at Redeemer we believe that the Bible is the word of God, that it’s alive, and that its words can and should shape every aspect of our lives as Christians. But we also know it’s not easy to get into the habit of reading it every day! So we are following the CBR Bible Reading plan - which can be found below - to help us read the bible together.

We are currently reading the book of 1 Timothy, and every week day we will be releasing a video on our social media & YouTube accounts, with a member of our Redeemer family explaining what they feel God is saying to them through the passage! 

Today we hear from Josh as he shares with us from 1 Timothy 4.

If you have time, and a desire to know more, you’ll find ideas for further study of todays passage below.

Further Study

In the preach below from 2017, Steve Palframan, senior pastor of Aigburth Community Church in Liverpool, teaches us how to Train for Godliness - as we are instructed to do in 1 Timothy 4.

Audio Block
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Train for Godliness - 1 Timothy 4:1-16
Steve Palframan