Curse or Blessing? — Redeemer Church London

Curse or Blessing?

As you will no doubt be aware, the recent covid-19 outbreak has changed everyone’s lives to a greater and a lesser extent. As a church we know that many members of our family will be self-isolating, working from home, or practicing social distancing over the coming weeks. We are hoping that through a series of blogs we can encourage you, and others who might be reading these blogs, to fix your eyes on Jesus, and respond to the crisis in a way which honours his will for our lives.

I am self isolating. I like to believe that I don’t look (or act) anywhere near my age! But the fact is that I am 71 and I am suddenly in the ‘vulnerable’ group.  Even worse, I have a cough.  To be honest, I have had coughing bouts on and off for years now, but at this time a persistent cough is the worst thing you can have!

Being a sociable person, I am used to meeting people all the time, attending church meetings, praying for people at home etc.  Now I suddenly cannot do that anymore.  So I have two options –  I can stay at home and sulk and complain. Or I can decide to ignore the Government’s strong advice and go about my business as usual, possibly get infected and take up precious hospital beds which are needed by others.

As a Christian I need to ask myself – what would Jesus do?  

Well, first of all, Jesus loved people.

He cared for the marginalised, the poor, the widow and the sick!  He considered their wellbeing.  The bible tells us that true religion is caring for the widows and orphans (James 1:27). So am I caring for these if I put myself and them at risk?  The answer must be ‘no!’ 

So neither of the options above seem like a good option, well fortunately I believe that there is a third way, which I believe is the most pleasing to Jesus.

The Bible says that every day is a gift from God!  Let’s treat it as such, wherever we are – at work or at home.  It doesn’t matter, whatever we do, we do it as to the Lord, knowing that from Him we shall receive a rich reward for our labour. 

There are actually many advantages to being at home, thanks to modern technology.  There is the opportunity to have prayer and chats face to face on Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom or whatever!  Continue to regularly ‘meet’ with your groups.  Today I had an incredible time on Whatsapp with a bible study group member – we read the Bible together, worshipped and prayed together!  The presence of the Lord was right there!  We both felt really uplifted and are already looking forward to next week, when I hope to get the Skype up and running for the other three members of the group so that we can all join in and be blessed.

God is not bound by walls, or distance!  If we invite the Holy Spirit to come into our situation, He will move! No matter where or how!

And now I am also looking forward to finally reading through all those books that have been sitting on my shelves for years! looking through and sorting out my photos and my files, chatting to extended family on the phone, and ringing all those friends I haven’t got round to speaking to for years, bringing them a word of hope and encouragement. Writing that short story I have been hoping to do for years, painting my old dining room chairs, possibly even sewing some new covers for my cushions… 

And, of course… spending more time with the Lord Jesus, without having to rush off somewhere, and reading the Bible more slowly!

It’s certainly not going to be boring. Those of us in isolation can be excited about the opportunity God is giving us to be more available to Him than ever before!

I’m looking forward to it!  What about you?