God Is Amazing

God is amazing.

This doesn’t seem like too big of a statement to make at the beginning of a Christian blog post, but surprisingly, even as someone who has been a Christian for over a decade, it is something that I still find myself saying every time I am intentional about spending time with God.

He really is spectacular, wonderful, inspiring, mind-blowing, powerful, merciful, gracious, the list goes on. Every time I actually sit down and spend time with him (which is not often enough), more of his character is revealed to me, and it blows me away.

The Psalmists tend to agree, as is written in Psalm 139:17 - “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” 

During this time where the pace of your life may have slowed a little, I would encourage you to be more intentional about spending time studying the word of God, spending time with him, exploring the mysteries and wonders of his love, grace and mercy towards you. You will not be disappointed.