Ealing Update - New C.A.P. Debt Centre

Through the years many at Redeemer have taken and hugely benefitted from the CAP Course. CAP stands for Christians Against Poverty, and their short 3 part course on money management has been hugely beneficial not just to us here at Redeemer, but to thousands of people all across the UK!

A New Home for CAP in Ealing

We are excited to announce that there will be a new CAP Debt Centre opening in Ealing, it will be located at Oaktree Fellowship, Acton, and it will replace the two existing Debt Centres in the borough, to form a central hub for Ealing and the surrounding area.

How can I be involved?

The centre is currently looking for volunteers to help serve in one of three different roles:

1) Prayer Team
People with a heart to pray for the needs of the clients, and various aspects related to the smooth running of the centre.

2) Befrienders
People who can be available to meet clients alongside the centre manager, and show love and compassion.

3) Blessings Team
People who can help with writing cards, organise small Christmas gifts and occasional hospitality.

Check out the video below to meet Mark, who will be leading the new centre, and find all the information you need to get involved. Additionally, if you are in a tough financial situation, or would simply like some advice on your finances, you can find everything you need at capuk.org