We're All Levites Now

At the end of January we celebrated all those that serve at Redeemer, and encouraged everyone in the family to get involved in one of our Sunday serving teams. Steve Page, our deacon for logistics, reflects on serving in his latest blog below.

Levites in Frocks

As a young Christian, when I heard or read bible passages featuring the Priesthood or Levites serving in the temple, I immediately conjured up the image of guys in frocks, waving incense; not exactly heavy lifters or people you’d invite to a party. As a bloke in SE London it wasn’t much to aspire to.

When I learned of the ‘priesthood of all believers’ (1 Peter 2:9) and understood that all those who have joined God’s family get direct access to him and that we don’t need to rely on any human go-between, such as a priest, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, it became a core truth of the gospel for me: the temple curtain torn in two, no hidden backroom just for the elite priesthood; an “Access All Areas” salvation.

But the image of frocks and incense persisted.

The Complete Picture

That has all changed now. I know that the Levites, the tribe that Yahweh put aside to run the Tabernacle and from which priests were selected, weren’t just guys in frocks. Reading passages in Exodus, Numbers and Nehemiah, I see that the Levites were given jobs such as taking care of the Tabernacle frame and equipment (Num 3:36); they were foremen (Neh 11:16); record keepers/ accountants (Ex 38:21); musicians and singers (Neh 11:22 & 12:8); tithe collectors (Neh 10:37); security guards (Num 1:50,51); and teachers (Neh 8:7,8). The whole tribe got involved, not just those with a talent for ‘bells and smells’.

We’re All Levites Now

And so it struck me, if under the New Covenant made possible by Christ we’re all priests, here to serve God and one another and all part of one body with all a part to play, then surely it follows that we’re all Levites now. We’ve all got a role to play to ensure Sunday worship comes off without a hitch – some with a flair for taking care of equipment and some for teaching (and perhaps some for both), and all with a calling to serve one another.

We’re all Levites now, but in the 21st Century the roles have changed a little: greeters, sound desk operators, coffee servers, teachers, toddler minders, un-packers, singers & musicians, money counters, administrators, and more: bringing God’s word for one-another, praying for each other and encouraging each other.
And none of these are mutually exclusive. All priests, serving one-another; all Levites, serving in God’s house. No false humility, just a willingness to do our part.

We're the New Levites:
the early risers, the cable layers,
the coffee makers, the sound checkers.
the purple greeters with a ‘good to see-yers’,
the smiling pray-ers, the red kids’ workers.
We’re all priests, cos we’re all believers
and I’ve got news for you – we’re all Levites too
We qualify by turning up,
with willing hands and open hearts.

We're the New Levites
and the rota's open.

Find out more about serving at Redeemer at redeemerlondon.org/serving