Redeemer reads 2 Corinthians 3

Welcome! Over the next few weeks we are going to be reading 2 Corinthians together as a church, 1 chapter every week day. We’re encouraging everyone to read the passage, pray, and share with a few others what they felt God was pointing out to them in his word. Every day we’re going to be hearing from someone at Redeemer about what they felt God pointed out to them as they read the passage.

This morning Nicky is sharing with us, you can watch her video above. She has also shared some more of her thoughts on the passage - following the ACTS prayer model as seen in the CBR Journal - below.

Today’s reading focuses a lot on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  

God’s laws were written on stone tablets to show people how they could live lives to please God – but no-one could keep these, they only showed us that we needed a saviour – someone other than ourselves. 

Jesus lived the perfect life he lived the life we couldn’t live and died in our place removing the veil that separated us from God; taking away our sin that stopped us from coming into God’s presence.

Now we can know his presence with us, we can know his Holy Spirit living in us changing our hearts to want to love and follow God more rather than trying to keep rules. We can know his Holy Spirit transforming us to be more like Jesus in our character.


Lord thank you that you give us give us your Holy Spirit.


Sorry when I act as though pleasing you comes through keeping laws and rules rather than through what Jesus has done for me.


Thank you that you have removed the barrier between us coming into your presence through Jesus dying for our sin on the cross.


Please be at work in me Holy Spirit to change my heart, desires and attitudes to want to love and serve you.

Lord please help me to know more of your Holy Spirit today and let Him continue to transform me to be more like Jesus.

Further Study

2 Corinthians 3 reminds us of the freedom we have in Christ, below find a link to Scotty Smith’s blog which challenges us to look for areas in our life where we can express that freedom!