Redeemer reads 2 Corinthians 8

Welcome! Over the next few weeks we are going to be reading 2 Corinthians together as a church, 1 chapter every week day. We’re encouraging everyone to read the passage, pray, and share with a few others what they felt God was pointing out to them in his word. Every day we’re going to be hearing from someone at Redeemer about what they felt God pointed out to them as they read the passage.

This morning Chris is sharing with us, you can watch his video above. Read on to hear some more thoughts on the passage, and to get some ideas for further study.

In 2 Corinthians 8 we see Paul encouraging the believers in Corinth to contribute financially to those in the church in Jerusalem (verses 10-11). But he is not just encouraging them to do this out of duty, but in response to the gospel, and the grace that has been shown to them.

We can be encouraged by the actions of the church in Macedonia, that we read about in the opening verses of the chapter. They have clearly understood the grace of God as not just something that they themselves have received, but as something which motivates them to action, and to generosity towards others. How inspiring this is during this time! That even though we face affliction, we are called to respond to the grace of God in our lives by being generous to others!

Also notice what Paul says in verse 8 - I say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine. We are not to read this passage and feel guilt driven, or that we must give in order to earn God’s favour, but instead we are to give as our hearts are genuinely stirred by the gospel. Paul is also reminding us that there is clearly a powerful witness given to others when we are seen to be generous with that which we have been blessed. As Chris says in the above video, we are never more like God than when we give.

Finally, one of my favourite verses in this passage is verse 9 - For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.
What an incredible picture of the gospel! Paul here is hammering home the point that God has been more generous to us than we could ever be, how could we not choose to respond by pouring ourselves out for others, as Jesus blood was poured out for us.

There is so much incredible truth in this passage, that the above comments only cover the first 9 verses! I would encourage you to read the chapter today - maybe multiple times - and as Chris has challenged us, ask the question - What is keeping me from giving consistently and generously?