Redeemer reads Galatians 2


Welcome! Over the next week we will be reading through the book of Galatians together as a church! We’ll be reading a chapter each week day, beginning on Friday the 15th of May, and concluding on Friday the 22nd. We’re following the reading plan in the CBR Journal, which can also be found HERE.

Each day a member of the Redeemer family will be sharing with us some thoughts in video form, which can be seen above, previous days videos can be found on our Youtube channel. We’ll also be publishing blogs with more thoughts on the passages we’ve read, along with some ideas for those who want to study the passage further. We’re really looking forward to seeing God bear fruit in and through us as a church as we read his word, even during this challenging time.

Today Naomi will be sharing with us her thoughts on Galatians 2 in the video above.

On Friday Noble helped us to focus on Paul’s opening point in his letter to the Galatians - the fact that the gospel is so important because it hasn’t come from any man, but from God himself! There has clearly been some false teaching going on and we hear about it again today in verse 4 - This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.
Today we read as Paul goes deeper into the gospel, and establishes just how it opposes these false teachings we’ve been hearing about. This is the cornerstone of Galatians, and it’s a fantastic passage!

One thing that I am challenged by in this passage is the actions of Peter, because it reminds me how important it is to understand the radical nature of God’s grace! It can be so easy as Christians to fall into the trap of thinking that Gods acceptance of us is dependent on our level of effort or achievement. When we truly understand grace we know that our ability to come before God is totally a work of Jesus, and not at all down to us! We are justified because we are IN Christ! We can never be more accepted by God than we are right now. This is a great encouragement for me, and I hope it is for you too, whatever kind of weekend you’ve had. Know that you can come before God right now and be met with his amazing grace!

Finally, as Naomi has highlighted in her video above, this passage is one that reminds me of God’s love! It is quite easy to imagine a God who loves those who follow him in a general, one size fits all kind of way, but the moment that the love of God really transforms you is when you realise it’s a personal love. At the end of this chapter Paul reveals this incredible truth in verse 20, which I hope brings you great joy as you start your week today.

 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20