Prayers from History - Reinhold Niebuhr

This week at Redeemer is our Week of Prayer! We believe that prayer is a crucial part of the Christian life, not just personally, but on a corporate level. When we join together to pray we believe that we have access to the power of God to transform our own lives, and the lives of our friends and family, as well as situations across this city, this nation, and the nations. This week there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in our prayer meetings, and you can find all of the details HERE. We would love to have you join with us!

We’re also taking this opportunity to join in prayer with some mighty men and women of faith from history! Each day we’ll be publishing a blog featuring a prayer written by someone in history, which we hope will encourage you to engage in personal prayer yourself, and remind you that prayer is not a one time event, but can be something that lasts and remains in peoples hearts and minds for years.

Today we pray with Reinhold Niebuhr, an American Reformed theologian and political commentator.

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
