My life is hitting a period of change.  Change can be unsettling at times as we let go of the familiar and take a step of faith into a new arena. Sometimes we run to grab a new opportunity. Sometimes the transition can be a little more tentative.  
This poem is about grasping change with a little help.  

Oh, grant me a new song.
A start again fresh with no regrets song.
One with a bridge to a new accord, 
a song with which I can get on board.
Something that strikes a stronger chord
with those who like me
long to be fully

A song with a fresher melody
(and I definitely need a different harmony),
something that's part of a wider symphony
maybe with an occasional solo part
for me.

A song that I can sing with greater gusto,
maybe to a slightly quicker tempo,
a step up from my imposed Adagio,
closer to a brisker Allegretto.

Oh Lord, 
you see me.
You see that I long to sing.
Can you please
wipe me clean
and write a new song with me.


by Steve Page

For more of Steve's poems, his latest anthology 'Not too big to weep' is available on amazon: