I for one am looking forward to the movie 'Mary Magdalene'. Good cast including Rooney Mara, Joaquin Phoenix and Chiwetel Ejiofor and a great director, Garth Davis. And just in time for Easter.

And I'm happy to see the resurrected debates (see what I did there?) about Mary's position in the early church.  It's good to have a reminder that women were there amongst Jesus' disciples, amongst the Apostles (i.e. those who witnesses the resurrected Christ) and were prominent in the churches early years - Priscilla, Phoebe, Monica of Hippo, Catherine of Alexandria, - please go look them up. 

But back to Mary M.  Not a prostitute (despite what you may have read elsewhere) and not the wife of Jesus (I know it makes great gossip - but it's not in the eyewitness accounts), but a disciple: one who followed Jesus the rabbi, the miracle worker, the resurrected Saviour. 

And women of God still play a key role in the present day church.  Kathy Frost, missionary and Boys Brigade officer who taught me the Lords Prayer, the late Ailish Eves, who inspired me as a young boy with tales of her life in Indonesia and later taught at my bible school, Bev Clarke whose visions of angels in the office inspired me to think more imaginatively about God in the work place, Janine Jackson my friend who pointed me to Redeemer-London, Anna Hamilton whose gifted teaching challenges me every time, Abi Sibuns whose worship leading ushers us into the presence of God...They are disciples and instrumental in church growth.  

An aside:  I was reminded this week that God made man and woman in His image because one gender wouldn't do Him justice - He needed both male and female to reflect who He is.  

So look out for the Marys and the Abis in the church and you'll see God reflected in who they are.  

I do hope the movie is a good one.