Let's Meet Up This Summer... — Redeemer Church London

Let's Meet Up This Summer...

Well, the sun is here.* 

(*Based on 3 days at the end of April.  Sunshine is not a guarantee of sustained hot weather.  Temperatures can go down as well as up.  Other weather conditions may be experienced.)

Whatever the weather, it's a perfect time to be launching our Summer Meetups at Redeemer Church London - you can sign up today at redeemerlondon.org/meetups. Don't miss out!

We're excited about these groups - partly because of the calibre of leader and quality of topics on offer - but also because getting together with real people in real life makes for powerful encounters.
Acquaintances become friends.
Questions become answers.
Curiosity becomes passion. 
Meeting up brings people together to create thriving communities.

But don't listen to me, listen to the folk at Redeemer London:

"We had people who had been in the church since the start, people who were totally new... Sharing hobbies such as running is a great way not only to improve in it but  also to connect and do life with others."

"I was blown over by people's honesty and openness.  From the first night it was really encouraging."

"I really appreciated the pearls of wisdom from a conversation in a pub. It was a real eye opener."

"It has certainly made me more mindful of allowing yourself time to ‘be’ and not always having to ‘do’."

So there you have it - go to http://redeemerlondon.org/meetups/
and select one of the 14 on offer. 

We hope to see you soon, whatever the weather.