And when you B.L.E.S.S.... — Redeemer Church London

And when you B.L.E.S.S....

Last week Steve Page shared a poem with us which reflected on how we read scripture, and he has followed that up with another encouragement, inspired by Pete’s message last Sunday ‘Disciples of Jesus BLESS’.

We hope you are inspired and challenged. How can you step out and bless someone this week?

And when you BLESS
Be prayerful,
careful to be mindful
that God's presence is vital
if actions are to be blessful.

And when you bless
just stopping and sitting
signals that you're willing
to be hearing
while your tongue stays stilling.

And when you bless
yes feast over several courses,
invest is slower morsels,
be someone who pauses
to hear other people's stories.

And when you bless
and not just in church,
but with imaginative verve
serve all of your neighbours
even those who are homeless.

And when you bless
yes dare to bare
a little of your story,
more of the messy history
that brought you here.

And, less you think
that you might have impressed,
be mindful that
we all put on our pants
one leg at a time
when we're each getting dressed, yes
we all equally need
God's ever forgiving kiss
so with no eye on who's looking
- just BLESS.