Online Church Continues!

We may have recently begun meeting in person again at Redeemer, but that doesn’t mean our online content has slowed down! Below are details of all the great online content you can still find at

Monday Testimony!

Every Monday you can hear from a member of the Redeemer family about how their relationship with God has changed their life! Whether it be through a specific part of scripture, a one off experience, or a gradual transformation. Take the opportunity to be challenged and inspired by what God is doing in the hearts and minds of the people here at Redeemer!

Worship Wednesdays

On a Wednesday we worship! (Well, every day we worship…) but on a Wednesday specifically we release a video created by the Redeemer worship team, which you can use to lift your eyes, your hands, and your voice in worship! Sing, dance and clap along with the team as we seek to give glory to God, and put him at the centre of our lives again as we reach the centre of our working week.

Faith Locked Down

On a Friday we are going to be sharing previews of Redeemer’s new book - Faith Locked Down! A collection of psalms, prayers and poems written by some of our gifted creatives at Redeemer, these videos aim to stir your faith, and remind you that God is at work even in the midst of a difficult year! If you like the videos, why not pick up a copy of the book!

Sunday Services

Although we are meeting physically at the University of West London every Sunday, we recognise that for various reasons, some of you are unable to join us in person. We would love you to continue to join us online, and we’ll be streaming the service live each week. There will still be the opportunity to worship alongside the rest of the church, hear great teaching, and even text in contributions to be shared with those in the room as well as those watching online.

As well as regular new videos, there is already a collection of playlists and videos ready for you to watch right now! So what are you waiting for?! Click the link below to get involved, and don’t forget to subscribe!