Oh My Soul!

Have you been hearing voices?  Or to be more precise, a voice, when alone in the house?

During these months of lockdown to one degree or another, have you heard yourself giving a narration to everyday activities?  Or giving yourself some much-needed advice?  Maybe you’ve even held a timely conversation with yourself?

One egg or two?  Oh, go on, you deserve 2.  Right-o-then, 2 it is.

Where did I put it?  I didn’t leave it in the car, did I?  Oh, blast.

When was the last time you heard Neil Diamond?  “Sweet Caroline! Da, Da, Daaa!..”

Just me?  I didn’t think so.

The good news is, I’ve just been reading how self-talk (or ‘private speech when said out loud) is okay, and might even be good for you.

Thinking Out Loud

Thinking problems through in spoken language is helpful.  Children do it.  Adults do too, when left alone.  

It’s okay.  Words said out loud is a perfectly natural response to the pressures of lockdown.

And you’re in good company.

“Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why are you so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will praise him, my Saviour and my God.”
Psalm 42:5

“Awake my soul!  Awake, harp and lyre. I will awaken the dawn!”
Ps 57:8

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”
Ps 62.5

“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
Ps 103.1

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”
Ps 116.7

Sometimes you just need a good talking to.

Go on.  Give it a go. 

As a starter, I recommend this worship song, ‘Remember’ (the chorus starts, “And oh, my soul…”)

Written by Steve Page

Steve is Redeemer’s resident poet, and has been instrumental in encouraging and motivating other creative individuals at Redeemer to pursue the gifting God has placed in them! You can read his poetry HERE, or find his anthologies on Amazon.