A New CBR Journal for 2022

Here at Redeemer we believe that the Bible is the word of God, and that reading it daily equips us as Christians to honour and follow God in everything that we do. We also believe that however long you have been following Jesus, be it 5 minutes or 50 years, there are always new things that we can learn from every passage of scripture.

That is why we encourage everyone to not just read the bible daily, but to share with others at Redeemer how the word of God has impacted, challenged and encouraged us each day. We do this with the help of the Community Bible Reading (CBR) Journal, which leads us to a chapter of the Old & New Testament each day, and encourages us to write down our thoughts on the passages, and share them with others.

In order to better equip people to read the bible daily, and benefit from the incredible wisdom it holds, there are some changes happening with the CBR Journal, which will be seen in the new journals published for the beginning of 2022. We’ll have these journals available soon at Redeemer!

You can hear all about these changes from the founder - Ted Sinn - below.

If you would like more information on how we use the CBR Journal at Redeemer please email hello@redeemerlondon.org.

We are also running a meetup this term for men who would like to follow the CBR reading plan together! Sign up to that group, or any of our others below!